Radon Removal Companies In Florida Should Be Contacted When Such Testing Is Needed

By Sonya Riley

Radon testing is essential regarding the safety of a dwelling. This is why radon removal companies in Florida provide an important service to any community. Radon is a metallic substance and chemists state that it is in the noble gas family. Dissimilar to many other gases in this category, however, radium is found in the aforementioned element, and therefore it is linked to specific health hazards.

When inhaled by humans, the gas may cause health issues at a future point in time. For instance, it is the 2nd leading cause of cancer of the lungs according to the Environmental Protection Agency. People who are exposed to radon and smoke cigarettes as well are at an even higher risk of developing lung cancer. Because the substance exists in the air, yet is odorless and colorless, it is important for homeowners to test their dwellings annually.

There is a vast array of options for those who feel this testing is necessary. For example, kits can be purchased in hardware or department stores that will help homeowners determine if the substance is present in their dwelling. However, over the counter products are not always foolproof, and therefore are not usually the best option.

In order to test for radium in a dwelling, one can choose from passive or active testing devices. Passive tests are completed by taking samples of the air in the home. Active testing on the other hand, must be conducted in a lab. As a result, the latter type of testing is generally more accurate, and is subsequently the best choice. Professionals usually always use active testing.

It is important to realize that no testing device is accurate one hundred percent of the time. Additionally, homeowners frequently make mistakes when using their own test kits without help. For instance, if windows or doors are cracked open, it can artificially lower the amount of radon that the test will detect. Such errors can also occur if the device is not used properly.

Radon testing can be completed in several days, but in certain cases it may take up to three months. This will depend on the type of testing being conducted, and whether or not a laboratory is in charge of the test results. The longer the duration of the test, the more accurate it is in most cases.

Any home in which this substance is located is not regarded as safe for people. Therefore, a professional should be commissioned to install a ventilation system or complete other tasks to make sure that the home is free of radium. If a person uses an over-the-counter kit to test for the substance and finds that it is indeed present, he or she should ventilate the home at once and contact a professional.

As previously mentioned, it is always wise for homeowners to hire experts to complete radium testing. Prior to making a selection, one should read customer reviews online about the various radon removal companies in Florida. Ultimately, anyone who suspects that his or her home may contain this element should seek the advice of a professional without delay.

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