How To Balance School With Work

By Franklin Skribbit

What better place to make friends and influence people, than at college? You may wonder to yourself well, isn't college just about getting an education and taking that out to my future career. This is the way that most people go about their educational experience, but it doesn't have to be that way. Here is an example of a kid who got much more than an education out of college.

In order to work well with someone, you need to feel comfortable around them. Don't start off studying right away. Get to know each other. Compare favorite ice-cream flavors (this information could come in handy when your brain is ready to expire). Talk about mutual interests. Argue about whose team is going to win the next college basketball game.

So he took this mindset to school with him, focusing mostly on friends and the relationships he felt like he needed to build. People knew him from everywhere and he soon became the most popular kid in school. His ability to win friends to his cause really influenced his decisions later on.

As he got closer to graduation his peers began asking him to run for student body president. He was nervous because all of his friendships had been for the soul purpose of living up to the expectations of one elderly woman he had met in Africa. Now he was in the midst of seeming to be a cheap politician. He didn't want to sell himself out like that.

Use one of those handy common interests you discovered from step one as a starting point. Geometry, for example, can be learned via basketball. Creative writing can be approached through watching/analyzing a TV show. Economics can be learned through a trip to the grocery store. And remember, ice-cream will be there to calm your frantic spirits.

There are so many people that are willing to help. Think about ways that you can cut down on your work time. Using the resources and people around you to get more done is what efficiency is all about. If you aren't using what you need to, then you need to take a good, hard look at where you are. Most successful people apply these simple strategies and it ends up getting them further ahead than anything else.

As the semester went on he realized that he had more and more power to control the decisions of the school and that because he had spent time with people and actually cared, he was seen as a true leader. His influence was unprecedented and he was able to change one school policy after another and realized that this was what he needed to do for his future career as well.

So, see! Working with a tutor can be both product and fun. Remember you are not stupid, and you are always welcome to come study at Fort Collins Colleges!

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