Why Gotham Would Necessitate a Collection Agency

By Rob Sutter

Superhero legend is something that I follow quite closely and I cite Gotham City has being the grittiest of any environment to speak of. With the excessive rate of crime to take into account, it's clear that even the likes of Batman would get tired working through this. Bruce Wayne is a stellar human being but he's only that: human. He can't take on every case, which is why I can see a collection agency being employed in order to assist those with legitimately strong cases.

I may enjoy Batman media - films, animation, and comic books included - but even I wouldn't want to live in Gotham City. It wouldn't do me much good to drive along the city streets and make a turn to see someone like Bane powering his way through innocent civilians. This is just one example but it goes to show just how devastated this city has become thanks to much criminals. These are villains of the highest tier and Batman is seemingly the only one who can pose a threat.

The Gotham City Police Department might have a high reputation but I can't deny that they've had more trouble than necessary taking on the extensive Rogue Gallery of Batman. These criminals are strong in their own ways and they want to be able to manipulate the city in order to achieve their goals. This is done in a variety of ways, whether through clever seduction from Poison Ivy or absolute chaos by someone like Bane. People would be rightfully terrified of these people and it would be all of the reason they'd require to turn to someone else.

People may find themselves in financial straits if they live in Gotham City, which is why a collection agency would see a great deal of business. People living in this area would be intimidated - and rightfully so - of leaving their homes, so being able to place their problems in the hands of a strong company sounds perfect. Such a robust agency like R.R.S. would come in great handy here. Not only would they not let emotions get in the way of a case but said case would be solved effectively.

When you consider just how much crime goes through the cracks of Gotham City, is there any wonder why people wouldn't want to go about such issues alone? It's because they can't match up to super criminals like these in any scenario. They are basically witnesses to a war between these evildoers and Batman, who would ultimately arrive to save the day when others fail to do so. It's a cycle that repeats constantly and I don't see signs that it will change anytime soon.

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