Braxton Southwick on Doomsday Preppers

By Terrance Franklin

Braxton Southwick is really a dirt-biking prepper with a mean soul spot. I surely rank him among the top 5 men with facial hair among Doomsday Preppers so far. He takes drilling to the next level in a stunning example that I initially feared wouldn't succeed.

Smallpox: a dead danger?

Braxton is anxious about the possibilities of an outbreak, especially associated with smallpox. Even though this wouldn't be the first time National Geographic has limited the reasons for prepping - it is well worth speaking about smallpox. While it might be simple to scoff at the risk of smallpox, an ailment which has formally been declared extinct since Nineteen seventy nine, we have seen scares about an outbreak as recently as 2001.

The only living samples of the disease were honored by the two world superpowers of that time, with the USA having a sample in Georgia and the USSR having a specimen in Siberia. Everything would probably seem to be in check however the tale gets stranger. In 1992, a Soviet defector unveiled that he was responsible for a program tasked with building a weaponized version of smallpox. Some others have since believed that samples may possibly have spread to criminal countries as well as groups.

Quarantine and death toll

Since the removal of the condition, former typical vaccinations are no longer given. Plenty of people who are younger than Fifty in the United States Of America do not have any protection from the ailment. Add this with the fact that it has a death-rate of around 1 in 3 which it is extremely transmissible and you get a technique for major fatalities in the case of an outbreak. One solution to coping with an outbreak would be quarantine - holding people and their families with the affected.

Bugging out of the Quarantine

In order to prevent this from happening to his family, Braxton is ready to bug out at the drop of a hat. This tactic has proven to be vital for several mishaps we have witnessed recently. Everything from his firearms to his chicken coop are set to be uprooted.

Speaking of this fact, the approach of making use of chickens as a source of protein is an excellent choice. Chickens usually produce one egg every day, a fact that a lot of people who live in cities don't know. One huge egg can supply nearly 9 grams of protein along with a very total set of amino acids. They're also an excellent source of vitamin A and iron.

Shock Value and Drilling

Braxton was able to provide his family with a shocking wake up call with a drill that none will likely forget about. Calling in some friends from the national guard, he managed to get a checkpoint set-up on their bug out way which might be similar to the type viewed within the quarantine.

Regardless of being halted by armed troops, stripped naked and examined, none of the family members appeared to be upset. Rather than reacting horribly, they appreciated the recognition that in the case of an urgent situation, time was truly important. I'm sure their times will improve the next time they drill.

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