Essential Facts About EPA Training Courses

By Annabelle Newton

The handling of hazardous chemicals or other potentially dangerous substances requires appropriate preparation on the part of the handler. There is a vast array of employment positions that require one to deal with such materials. For this reason, harm to one's person can occur if he or she is not appropriately trained and qualified. This is why it is essential for those planning such careers to enroll in EPA training courses before working in the aforementioned capacity.

The positions for which such an education is important range from automotive mechanics to home inspectors or pesticide applicators. In most cases, it is highly unwise to take such jobs without obtaining certification in the handling of various substances. In many instances, such training is required.

There are many different topics that included in EPA training curriculum. One example is pesticides and how to appropriately use them to eliminate insects. Certification is typically required of those who plan to work in a field where such chemicals are commonly used. To obtain certification in the use of pesticides, one must typically obtain a passing score on the appropriate exam.

Lead based paint is another area that is addressed one one enrolls in an EPA course. Such paint is associated with specific health hazards and is still found in certain residential dwellings and older buildings. General contractors, individuals working for construction companies, and home inspectors are frequently required to obtain such certification.

Learning about the hazards of black mold is often part of such a course, as well. This problem is not new, but those who work for organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency have discovered that it has become worse over the past decade. Unfortunately, the reason for this is not yet known, but in most areas of the United States, for example, realtors must disclose any information they have about black mold, if it is a problem in any of the homes they have listed.

In addition, the EPA requires that workers who make repairs to or service automobile air-conditioners obtain 609 technician certification. This type of training is offered by private organizations in most cases. As one would suspect, a person can complete such repairs without acquiring proper training, but fines usually ensue if that individual is reported.

Hazardous waste classes are also offered by the EPA. As the world's population continues to increase at a rapid pace, the amount of waste generated by humans increases as well. This is why a vast array of facts concerning proper waste disposal and site cleanup techniques are typically a vital part of the course. How to handle uncontrolled, abandoned waste sites that contain hazardous material is also usually covered.

Asbestos handling is frequently covered in the aforementioned courses as well. Even though the substance was once considered safe, it is now known that it can lead to serious health issues if disturbed and absorbed by one's body. For this reason, any individual who handles this hazardous organic substance, such as plumbing contractors who complete repairs in aging dwellings where there may be asbestos-insulated pipes, should obtain certification so that they completely understand how the material should be handled. Generally speaking, EPA training courses are highly essential to those who will be working with hazardous materials of any kind.

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