How To Remedy Homesickness

By Franklin Skribbit

As the holiday comes to a close, most students find themselves a little loathe to get ready for school again. But it must be done! Starting off the semester strong will lead to a productive and successful semester. Don't stumble through your first few weeks of school! Start the semester off strong by following these few pieces of advice!


First of all, even though they expect that getting a good job will be difficult, most think that they will enter a good job with good pay. Unfortunately, for most students, their expectations will fall short.

While most recent graduates are able to find jobs, the pay and satisfaction with those new jobs are not as great as they anticipated. Many don't receive the kind of job they really wanted, don't get as much pay as expected, and don't get as much guidance/training as they anticipated. But the good news is they still have reason to feel hopeful.

Was this a college you've been dreaming of your whole life? Have you always wanted to be here? Were you attracted to the city life, or the beach, or the climbing locations? Once you know why you came, it is more difficult to be homesick because you will have so much to do.

Get Organized

It's best to keep all your schoolwork in one place. Keep papers, notes, and assignments for each class all together and separate from the other classes. You may want to get separate folders or binders for each, or at least dividers for each class. On each set of notes or each assignment, consider putting dates, titles, and other markers that will help you find and identify important information.

In fact, working a year or two after getting your undergraduate can build your resume and help you get into a better university, which in turn, will get you a better job after you obtain your next degree.

Tips for Undergrads

Undergraduate students should understand that their future is not bleak. There are plenty of things they can do to increase their eligibility for better jobs post-graduation. For example, while not every internship will lead to a job, many do.

Homesickness is a big part of the college experience, so don't be ashamed of it, and don't let it bring you down. Live your life in a way that your new city can become a home to you, and find ways to enjoy it.

There's no reason this semester should be a flop. You can prepare now and start off for a strong beginning that will lead to a strong ending. Ready, go!

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