Grammar And Citation

By Franklin Skribbit

One of the most challenging tasks for students of any discipline is to write a term paper or other important form of paper when it is assigned with a seemingly far off due date. Some may think this an odd statement, but the truth is that there are many people who do their best work when they know they have a deadline to beat and are under the gun to get it done.

When using a laptop, research various applications and programs which may assist you in your note taking. Programs like Evernote provide easy, instant access to your information regardless of whether you are viewing it from a phone, tablet, or computer. You can also scan your handwritten notes in for digital storage if you so prefer.

Still, however, the common thread among college students and returning college students of business in National City is that with a far off due date there are many that struggle to stay on task with the assignment. Writing with a distant due date can be managed by understanding a few tips on how to successfully complete a paper without a deadline attached.

When you are working on citations, refer back frequently to your handbook to make sure you are using the correct format and style for citing. Your citations in-text and in the bibliography are important and even missing a simple thing like a period can cause you to miss points if your professor is feeling particularly pernicious. Be detailed in your study of the citation style noting things like line spacing, margins, page numbering, and font size.

Here is where we get down to the nitty gritty details of where most points are missed or docked in a research paper. Most professors will be lenient with occasional mistakes, but if they catch too many of them, they'll start to dock points for every single one.

First, we'll discuss commas and apostrophes. Commas are the bane of Grammar Nazis everywhere. Most people use them too little or too much and quite frequently in the wrong places altogether. The only way to fix this is to study a reliable resource or ask someone who knows and then truly internalize the rules for comma usage. Now to apostrophes; never use an apostrophe to indicate a plural. Ever. Apostrophes are used to denote a contraction, or the combination of two words where some letters are removed like 'they're' for 'they are', and to denote possession as in, 'that is Mary's book.' Additionally, remember that possessive pronouns never take the apostrophe. (his, hers, theirs, yours, ours, and its)

By breaking up the paper with an outline containing specific sections, a student can write out a schedule as to when they will write each section or broken down piece of the paper. For example, a page or so may be dedicated to a specific point that can be written one week with another part of the paper written the next week.

As you work to perfect your note taking style, it will become easier for you to focus and prepare clear notes that you can study later. Whether you're pursuing a business administration degree in National City, or simply taking a single continuing education course, you will find this skill to be most valuable in helping you succeed.

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