Advice For Handling Biomedical Waste Florida

By Paulette Short

Biomedical waste may be defined as the various biological materials discarded from the various clinical hospitals, research laboratories and learning institutions. Example of these wastes includes the following. Animal wastes like tissues, carcasses and body fluids; human anatomical wastes; human blood and body fluids and sharp objects such as needles, syringes, scalpel, razor blades and knives used in the laboratories and hospitals. It is important these wastes are handled with great care due to their hazardous nature. The following are some of the guidelines for handling biomedical waste Florida.

Example of the biomedical waste includes the following. Sharp objects which are contaminated used in the various hospitals, medical and research laboratories and the learning institution. Sharp objects such as knives, razor blade, needle, syringe and pins. The other example of the wastes is the remains from animals like tissues as well as human anatomical wastes.

This is the reason why segregation must be done. All other solid wastes must also be separated from fluids and liquids. The other guideline is in regard to containment and labeling of the wastes. The container used must be appropriate one this is another reason why they were segregated as they are stored using different containers.

For instance, any liquid wastes such as blood and other body fluids must be kept in a container which is rigid and not able to leak. It must also be puncture resistant and able to with stand any thermal and chemical treatment. All the containers and bags used must be labeled with the biohazard symbol and also written biohazard as well.

A symbol of biohazard must be used to label the containers and the bags used. Other people may not be well conversant with the symbol, therefore below the symbol, it must be written biohazard for people to read especially the ones who do not know the symbols.

The documentation of the content of the west is also advisable. The documentation involves writing information about the west. Some of the things written include the type of the wastes, the nature, the chemicals used in the treatment and the way they should be handled. This information in the document is also attached in the surface of the container as well.

Transportation and handling of the wastes is also worth being taken into consideration. It is advisable that untreated wastes should not be transported and the handling should be minimized. However while handling them you should avoid any contamination which may be at the surface of the containers.

Those who are responsible for the transportation process should also be advised on the appropriate means to use. The containers must be tightly closed to avoid any leaks. It is recommended that the treatment to be done before being transported. These tips are useful when handling biomedical waste Florida.

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