Tips To Get Public Speakers For Hire In Washington DC At An Affordable Cost

By Della Monroe

A lot of well known presenters usually charge high fees whenever they are invited for speaking engagements. This may put you off in case you were planning to invite one. Nevertheless, you can get public speakers for hire in Washington DC to reduce their prices if you use some tactics.

When you first approach the presenter, do not feel shy about asking them if there is a possibility that they can reduce their charges. Most presenters would be open to this option. If you approach the speaker through an agent, you will have to pay the agent a certain commission for their help, so it may be cheaper for you to directly contact the presenter.

Try and find a local speaker, who lives in Washington, DC. That way, you will not have a lot of expenses to foot, in terms of paying for their transportation and accommodation when they come for your event. Alternatively, you can try and get the professional you are interested in while they are in town for another event. Find out which professionals will be in your town during the time you will be holding your event and see if they would be willing to grace your occasion.

See if you can get a sponsor, who will cover the cost of hosting the speaker. Some companies won't mind associating their brands with a renowned personality, as this would be a good opportunity for them to brand themselves. This will require a lot of previous preparation, so you will need to start planning your event early.

Most presenters make the bulk of their income from the materials they sell during events. You can get the presenter to come and speak for free if you will let them sell their products during the occasion. There is also the option of buying their materials, such as workbooks, for the audience in exchange for a lower speaking fee.

Inviting the same presenter for more than one speaking engagement can get them to reduce their fees. You can have the events spaced out over the month or year. If the event is going to run for more than one day, you can have the speaker serve different roles on different days, such as being interviewed or having panel discussions.

Consider a barter trade with the professional. Ask them if there is anything that you have, which they would be willing to take in return for giving a keynote address. Some of the things you can suggest include advertising their services for free in your newsletters or websites or professionally endorsing their services.

It is always good to be clear with your presenter about which of their expenses you are going to foot. This will prevent any misunderstandings. If you are bringing someone from outside Washington, DC. Let them know the specific airline company they will use, whether they will be in first class, second class or economy class. In addition, let them know the hotel they will be staying in and the plans for their meals.

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