Educators Relearning History Through Social Studies Teacher Continuing Education

By Della Monroe

The saying goes that history is written by the victors, and that has been true for many generations. Such a perspective is reinforced when the individuals within the victorious nations simply accept what they are told without questioning the facts. However, when analytical thinking meets education, social studies teacher continuing education can become the catalyst for changes in culture that we are long overdue for.

The official narrative of the history of the human race as a whole has been fed to us all our lives, along with the Jesus story, the inevitability of war, Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy. But now we question the Jesus story, we know of no Tooth Fairy, and even the most narrow-minded of individuals are wondering about the ancient aliens theories of our origin. Changes are on the horizon, and we human beings need to be ready for it.

Perhaps destiny is not an undiscovered territory at all, but rather a perspective that we have yet to embrace because we do not yet understand who and what we are. Was there merely a benevolent God who created us and placed us on this planet to stroke his ego. Many people reject this belief, thinking there must be something more.

The ancient aliens theory actually started with Zacharia Sitchen hwo spent many years of his life deciphering the tablets from the land of Sumer. Most historians and language experts avoided the topic of the Sumerian tablets all together, for reasons which have always been dubious. Mr. Sitchen was met with a great deal of resistance when he began his work, losing his funding from the University system and was forced to undertake this gargantuan task by himself, in his spare time.

When Zachariah presented his findings to the world of academia, he was met with cold shoulders and cruel stares. No one really knows why he behaved the way he did after he presented his body of work to colleagues and friends. While he never came right out and agreed that he was a Charlatan, he never defended himself against such slander either, and it has been long accepted that his findings were a hoax, or a misinterpretation.

While he did sit for a couple of interviews at the very end of his life, the meat and bones of his work was left idle until after his death when Max Igan picked it up and began to study. Much to his surprise he found that the text told an honest and straight-forward account of our creation, the reasons for it, the cataclysm which occurred around 10,000 years ago, and more. Religious texts are roughly based on this account, but the story has been twisted so as to hide the truth right in front of us.

Most specifically, these writings did not say we were created by a God, but that we were created through genetic manipulation in order to mine gold for the Annunaki. There is a clear and undeniable splicing of genetic material in our DNA. We even have less DNA than any other primate on Earth, by two whole base pairs.

The fact that so much of our genetic code is turned off may well be the reason we continue to be viewed by our creator, and each other, as an inferior race of beings. If we want to rise above this inferiority complex and grasp a better future for ourselves, then we must first get historians to level with us about our dubious origins. Time has come for free-range humans to take some responsibility for our future.

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