Searching For Greater Vancouver Private School

By Kenya England

Every parent knows that there is nothing so important in the world as their child. Getting them the very best education is a top priority for most parents. They understand that getting into the right school will have a huge impact on their child's future. Many studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between levels of education and lifetime earnings.

Canada has a long history of providing good public education. However, in recent years there have been a number of issues developing, from under qualified teachers to classroom control. With all this in mind an increasing number of parents are looking at greater Vancouver private school choices. There is an excellent choice of schools to meet the needs of every child.

Children who attend privately run schools usually have a much higher standard of achievement. In addition they also have greater self confidence and have participated in a range of sports, activities and travel. They will have better literacy skills and access to great libraries and superior academic programs. With all this in mind it is no wonder that with each passing year more and more families are choosing private over public schools.

There has been a tremendous amount of research into how children learn. Getting off to a really good start is essential. Even if a child is slightly behind in the early years it can be very difficult for them to catch up. Eventually they just fall further and further behind until they loose interest and drop out.

Privately run schools also have much more flexibility about the types of programs they use. In typical state run schools the teachers have no options but to use the government mandated programs, even if they know they are not the most effective. Staff at private schools can be a lot more flexible and look into more innovate programs.

Language skills are also improved greatly by studying abroad. Indeed, the fastest way to learn a new language is by living in the country and talking every day with native speakers. This type of opportunity will also help the student to adapt to new situations quickly and is one of the best ways to build confidence.

In today's high tech world children will naturally learn to use technology from an early age. Good schools use technology to their advantage. However, there is still no substitute for good academic programs. Most private schools and academies use phonics based reading programs.

Many of the privately run schools in Vancouver have religious affiliations. This should not be a concern for parents. Instead it should be viewed as the perfect opportunity to learn more about the religion. Many families have found that this brings them closer together and strengthens their faith and beliefs.

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