How To Unlock Your Child's Genius For Schooling Families

By David Simon

It was the year 1994 when I wrote the book, How to Unlock Your Child's Genius, a book that would become an important text for many homeschooling families. The book was based on my many years of working as an independent educationalist and author where I ran my own Saturday schools at the weekends, and my working as a learning specialist during the day. Soon after the publication of the book I would sell thousands of copies at conferences, churches, schools and bookshops.

The book had a bigger impact than I had anticipated. I was asked to talk all over England and more book sales resulted. This journey all started in 1987 when I rented a run down youth club in south London to start the first of my many Saturday schools. The youth club was dilapidated and stank heavily of beer and marijuana as it had been used by local youths to run their Friday night rave sessions. However, this experience, which lasted over twenty-six years made me an expert in this field of education and meant that I could now help thousands of families.

By now I had gathered a small team of teachers who understood the method of education that I had developed. My system looked at areas such as diet and learning, cultural literacy, educational management in the home, reading and mathematics, mind games and leadership, family learning and financial literacy. After the publication of the book I found myself being contacted by many homeschooling families who wanted a philosophy of education to guide their own homeschool.

So now I found myself advising families on how best to homeschool their children or to set up a part-time homeschooling system within the home. Sadly I found that most families had little idea on how to homeschool their child or children and many didn't even plan to homeschool their children but had no option as they had to withdraw their child from school due to extreme bullying, racism or for academic reasons. All of this meant that my book had become the bible for many homeschooling families.

Suddenly families had trained parent-teachers who were more confident in educating their children and who were clearly more resourceful. They fed back to me that their homes were transformed; they were now places of creativity, empowered homes that bred success because they were more self-reliant and self-sufficient. Now, they realised that real learning is when the whole family goes on a learning journey together and realises that real education comes from within.

About the Author:

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