All You Need To Know About Learning Another Language

By Daniel White

Communicating to a person who speaks a different language can be frustrating, especially if you do not even know basic vocabularies. For instance, Danish-speaking people and English-speaking people can only understand a few words that are common to both languages, making it possible for them to have some basic communication. However, it is almost impossible for a Japanese-speaking person and an English-speaking person to understand what the other is saying because of the difference in grammar, lettering and pronunciation among other things. The question most people have when they want to travel abroad, move to a new country or improve their language skills is how they can learn a new language quickly and efficiently. While different people may have different answers to this question, the key to learning another language lies in starting young.

Developing the Mind

Learning another language at an early age is definitely the best approach, according to most linguists and developmental psychologists. At a young age your body and your mind are still developing, making the process much easier. A child who is aged between four and ten will be able to master a foreign language much more efficiently than an adult as the child's brain areas that deal with language and speech are growing more quickly. These same areas of the brain begin to slow down when we reach our teenage years. A child's brain is literally doubling in size, meaning that of course it is easier to fit more information in there. Think of trying to fit stuff into a large and spacious closet rather than packing it into a tight space. If you are way past the age of five, you may be asking yourself what is the best way for an older person to learn a new language.

Immerse Yourself

Learning a new language is much more complex than learning a task such as how to repair a car. This is because language is used in more than one part of your mind's memory. Rather than simply calling up the words that you need to speak, to fluently talk in another language you will have to replace your understanding of vocabulary and grammar alike, completely changing how you look at constructing a sentence. Ideally, you can focus your mind more efficiently by visiting or living in a country where the language is the primary tongue speaking. When you spend more hours of the day exposed to (and forced to think in) a language other than your native tongue, your brain begins to adapt to the process of thinking in a different language. Since you would only study a foreign language at home for one or two hours a day, conversely, you get only a fraction of the thinking power that you would if every conversation, every road sign, and every television show was in a different language.

Aim For Okay, Not Perfection

The main reason why most people often fail in their efforts to learn a new language is that they try to be perfect. In order to be successful, a person needs to stop thinking about being perfect in speaking that tongue - after all nobody is perfect - and start thinking about how best to communicate his or her points to other people. Ideal translations and success are two different things. You should be happy about the fact that you do not have to struggle when holding a basic conversion; the fact that you are unable to summon the perfect phrases should not frustrate you.

Look over the web

The Internet has proved to be extremely valuable in many areas of our life and learning another language is no exception, although of course a good textbook, the classroom and academic instruction still have their place. The Internet allows you to chat with others in a foreign language, make new friends and have fun learning. You can find various chat rooms. forums and video chat sites online, all of which help to make the learning process as simple and as fun as possible. When the time comes to take that big trip to another country, perhaps to practice those linguistic skills, the Internet is also invaluable there too, allowing you to find activities and places to stay that will sharpen your language skills.

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