Brain Food To Go

By Hedrick Lepsch

Fall is in full swing and students across the country are already feeling the crunch of mid-term exams. With late night study sessions, classes, extracurricular activities, and a social life, many students struggle to maintain a healthy diet, resorting to grabbing quick, easy meals that lack the vitamins and nutrients your body needs.

Without essential vitamins and nutrients the human brain can slow down and stop functioning as efficiently as we may like. Lucky for you, I've taken the time to learn a few things about fast food that gives your brain a boost.

No one parent should try to demean or otherwise lower the importance of the other. Decisions are made and executed together for the betterment of the family.

Frequently the benefit of classical music for studying is given to the lack of lyrics or vocals and the mathematical nature of the music.

Most of us see 'Vitamin C' and automatically think about oranges. (The marketing guy who came up with that was a genius.) But oranges fall roughly in the middle on the list of edible plant sources for this vitamin, which is thought to help boost mental agility.

First, a home is not a home if it's not caring for the temporal needs of its inhabitants. This means that the house is stocked with food, bedding, clothing, and medical supplies needed to take care of the residents.

According to researchers, vitamin E may reduce cognitive decline. In its primary function it serves the body as an antioxidant, and protects your cells from oxidative damage. Good sources of Vitamin E are Almonds, Hazelnuts, Avocados, Asparagus, and Spinach.

As your body's primary source of energy, glucose should be a vital part of your diet. Glucose is a vital carbohydrate that your brain and body need to get you through the day.

When kids need to get to school, it is your business to oversee the preparation efforts. You are the executor. You can't look to someone else to make it happen. Get in the habit of acting when you see a need.

Regardless of the music you select for your study session, one thing is certain. Distractions are the number one reason for failure to focus and a lack of concentration.

This brain booster can be found mostly in your leafy green vegetables with Kale topping the list. Spinach, Collard and Mustard greens, Broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are also great sources of Vitamin K.

You need to stay within budget and make the sacrifices necessary to make it work. Take full responsibility for the financial situation and take pleasure in making ends meet.

Whether you're the over achieving student striving for a double major in business and web design, or if you're like most of us who just want to pass the college math course, these foods are great sources of brain boosting vitamins that will help you think more clearly.

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