Discover Womens Health Initiatives To Prevent FGM

By Stacey Burt

Cultures are very fundamental in society as they greatly influence the way of life of many people; however, some cultures have been outdated and need to be done away with. For instance, female genital mutilation is a cultural practice that used to be popular and significant in the transitioning of a girl to a woman in the olden day; moreover, times have changed and these traditions need to be eliminated and that is why there are Womens health initiatives to prevent FGM.

This practice may have been popular in the past but in this new era, its significance is obscene as scientist have proven that there are lots of health complications that comes with having this procedure. In addition, civilization has also eliminated the need for women to prove their feminity as society expects nothing from them in this regard.

The depressing aspect of this cultural practice is the fact that it was made compulsory to all teenage girls which means that any girl transitioning to womanhood is forced to undergo the cut whether willing or not. Given that this is a practice that even the parents of the victimized girls are allowing, something ought to be done as this is the highest form of abuse.

Initially, other than the fact that this was an initiation that transitioned girls to becoming women, its significance was also to reduce sexual pleasure for these girls in order to keep them away from temptations; hence, preventing infidelity. The procedure is usually done by cutting off the clitoris which is the outer sensitive part in the reproductive system of a woman.

With the risks involved in the procedure being evident, it is obvious that the procedure must be performed by a medical expert in order to avoid these risks. This is however not the case as most of these girls are taken to traditional doctors who naively perform these procedure and therefore risk the lives of these girls who are sometimes incur lifetime damages.

Some of the commonly known damages that most girls incur entail; contraction of infections, barrenness, severe pains that makes giving birth difficult, and sometimes death which is resulted from excessive bleeding. In addition to this, there is also the fact that these girls are denied the opportunity to fully enjoy sex as they should which sometimes becomes a problem in their social lives.

Whereas the cut is beneficial for men, the opposite can be said for women and therefore the rights of women should be protected by stopping this malice act once and for all. For this, heavy punishment should be placed on individuals who allow their kids to go through with the procedure and more so the people who perform it.

It is the high time that people come together and fight this inhuman act that has been passed from one generation to another as it is only through community policing that some of these problems can be eliminated. This is a new era and people do not need to be controlled by permanently eliminating their body part just to maintain a sense of moral order in society.

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