The Wonders Of A Geologic Map

By Betty Allen

As you begin to study geology for the first time and come into contact with a wide variety of different elements, you'll want to make sure you know how to explore the terrain near your university. A well-made geologic map will give you all the information you need to succeed in your field work when you finally have a chance to hit the great outdoors without your rock hammer.

All maps that are used in geology will be properly color coded so that users can immediately spot what they are looking for. All Jurassic age rocks, for example, will be given the same color. If you are doing a project on a certain dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic, you'll want to explore rocks where fossils of these great beasts might actually be found.

Large maps are usually printed on paper that be rolled up and taken with you when you are on an expedition. Keep the paper casually rolled up and then use a rubber band to tie it off. When out in the wilderness, the rubber band can be taken off and the paper unsheathed and set up on a flat surface for everyone to examine. This should keep the material itself from tearing or degrading too fast.

You should always be able to find what you're looking for online. You can buy maps in bulk and then have then delivered to your house or university department within just a few days. University geology professors usually order several at once to get a better price overall. This saves the department money in the long run.

Becoming familiar with some basic geologic concepts can help you reach your educational goals. Volcanoes, especially ones that spew beautiful lava into the air, are often in the news. When volcanoes erupt and lava flows out and eventually hardens, it can create unique rock formations that is recorded in the history of the Earth for geologists to discover and analyze.

Learning about mountains can also be interesting. Mountain range are usually created when two continents collide. If you are interested in metamorphic rocks, you can visit mountain ranges like the Appalachians and examine the minerals in the layers. Certain minerals only form deep within mountain building episodes.

Having a basic idea of how the solar system formed can also help you instill this knowledge in your students. The most widely accepted theory is that the solar nebula collapsed in on itself and began to rotate. Gravitational attraction allowed matter to collect to eventually form both the inner and outer planets. One of these rocky inner planets became the Earth.

You will want to choose a good map by first looking over your options. As long as the colors are bright and stand out, you should be able to use it for lots of different projects. Take care of the paper itself so that it remains in good shape for several semesters so that the students can use it.

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