Reasons And Methods For Slope Stabilization

By Scott Thomas

Many situations require inventive and creative methods to provide a fix to a specific problem. Slope stabilization is one of those types of fixes that use varying methods in order to prevent erosion, falling rocks, and assist with building roads and houses in hilly areas. Anytime construction is performed in an area with a lot of ups and downs, there is a chance that things may not stay where they should. This is where these techniques and technologies are employed to assist with the job.

Streams and rivers are only one area that experiences erosion. When it is rainy or when the snow melts, a large amount of water enters the ground. Combined with the water table, this loosens soil that is not held in place by vegetation. If the hill becomes unstable, this soil will start to flow and fall away causing rocks and trees to go with it.

Landscapers and construction workers are familiar with the problem. One of the basic issues to consider when building a new hill or slopey area is what happens when it rains. There are ways to prevent the soil from washing away, including using special webbing, bolts, and planting natural vegetation to allow the roots to help with the problem.

Every year there are stories in the news about rocks tumbling onto major highways and roads after heavy rain. This is caused by the soil holding them in to loosen. Water gets under the rocks and soil and washes away the base, making everything on top become unstable.

Stabilization plans are part of nearly every road and building project. Roads are either built on high land or cut into mountains. In either case, the sides slope up or down from the highway. The crew has to include a way to keep the ground under the road from washing away or prevent rocks and other materials from falling into the roadway during bad weather.

An effective and natural way of accomplishing this is by planting vegetation that is natural to the area. Since the climate will affect the ability of the grass, shrubs, moss, or trees to grow, the best choices are those that are already growing in the area. Part of the process is giving the newly planted material time to take root. If you've ever repotted a plant, you know how much the roots will wind through the soil and pack it together. This is the effect that is desired when trying to use natural growth to prevent slides.

There are many different ways to stabilize a slope. For rocky terrain, they will start by removing any loose materials. Then place long bolts with wires or webbing attached to help keep the rocks in place. In some situations, it is possible to reduce the angle by removing some of the material. Other methods include adding moss to rocky areas to help them become more stable.

There are many concerns about things like rock falls, erosion, mudslides, and other disasters that can occur near homes and roads during rainy seasons. These are dealt with effectively by using the various methods and technologies available to help keep the soil and rocks stable and in place. Without these methods, there would be many more of these natural disasters than there are now.

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