Native American Programs NYC And Other Areas

By Young Lindsay

There are a number of social and service organizations in New York City, NY. Some of these, Native American programs NYC offer services directly related to those in different tribal communities. Although, it is important that Native Americans along with other minorities are also considered and treated with dignity and respect in all areas of society.

Whether with regards to Native American studies, or social service programs serving tribes around the country, many are finally going to see at least some honor, tribute, dignity and respect, all of which are well deserved. Some of the most important of these programs are those serving low-income families and individuals. Often, a number of seniors residing on reservations live on a limited amount of income without realizing help could be available with the proper application and qualifying factors.

While this may be the case, tribal communities are often some of the most overlooked when it comes to social services. Whether this is because tribes are too proud to ask for assistance, or because there is no knowledge about the assistance often depends on the tribe and location.

Other Native American programs include completing work towards a Masters, or Doctorate in Native American studies. While this is a lofty goal, there are many who have achieved success, some in less time than it takes to obtain a traditional degree. Although, many prefer to attend the full program so as to become acquired with as many tribes and as much history as possible.

The Museum of the American Indian, and other institutions also offer classes to the general public to help inform with relation to the histories and identities of different historic tribes. While many were pushed to different areas during the Civil War, others remained behind in an effort to maintain at least some aspect of initial reservations. Although, for the most part, most of the tribes were pushed as far west as possible.

Also, if there are colleges or universities in the area, many now offer Indigenous People's Day, or as in the case of Humboldt State University, Indigenous People's Week during the week which in past, and in many areas still is dedicated to Christopher Columbus, who may have in fact discovered these indigenous tribes but the land had been discovered and lived on for centuries prior to his arrival. As such, there is now a splinter group of those who support Columbus and those who prefer to see the real Natives be celebrated instead.

Some areas are lucky enough to have Native American community and medical centers. One such location in which is the case is Arcata, CA and Humboldt County. The Hoops, Wiyot, and other tribes share these valuable resources. While others are more focused on saving salmon in the Klamath and other areas. When traveling, it can often be fun to check maps and stop at various tribal locations, lakes and rivers to gain an idea of the lifestyle and traditions of the many tribes who still remain an active part of this amazing history.

Also, when looking to obtain social services, it is important to go through the proper channels to do so. While online applications are often available, it is sometimes better to go through an agency who an help file an expedited application. Otherwise, it can take several weeks and possible revisions before assistance can be obtained.

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