What Is It Like To Work As A Phlebotomist?

By Jule Madigan

When deciding to pursue a phlebotomy career, the individual really should take a serious assessment at whether or not their personality fits in doing what is necessary from the job. Enrolling in a phlebotomy training program is a big investment so before you make any commitment you must do your own research.

If you are someone that finds science interesting, this career will undoubtedly be right for you because you'll be able to study and answer any question which the patient could have if you are part of the work force. One of the worst things for a professional is doing a job which he hates so if you enjoy science,it'll make getting through the course and also your job far more enjoyable. In order to succeed and get through the program you'll have to have a passion for the subject along with the desire to just keep absorbing new knowledge, this will make or breaks your career.

If you are someone that actually enjoys dealing with patients rather than just sit behind a desk all day, then a phlebotomy career is without a doubt for you. You may get a patient who may be nervous about having his blood drawn so it is always good to have the communication skills to calm them down and talk them through the process so that they feel comfortable.A patient can also be uncooperative because they're not having a good day so again this is where having the right communication skills is a plus.Being personable will take u a long way in your career as a phlebotomist.

Another key personality trait in having a successful phlebotomy career is not be squeamish. If you have a weak stomach this career is not for you personally. Before enrolling in phlebotomy school, make sure you know you can stand to handle blood. If you end up finding out that you won't be able to perform basic phlebotomy duties then try a different field in the clinical industry.Many people also vomit if they're nervous or anxious over the procedure so make sure you are comfortable with this too.

Working as a phlebotomist can be extremely rewarding. As long as you love dealing with people and have a strong stomach you will be happy being employed as a phlebotomist. Definitely look into enrolling in a phlebotomy training class. Just be aware that the effort and hard work you put in class is exactly what you will get back; better grades means an easier time getting hired and keeping a job and maybe moving on to a better position in the market.

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