Tips On Effective Professional Transcribing

By Catherine Hill

In many occasions, audio tapes are changed into written form. This process is called transcription. In professional transcribing, experts play audio recordings, listens to them and writes the exact words spoken by the speakers. This is to conform to the original meaning. The audiotapes may be a monologue or a dialogue in a noisy or silent background. Depending on the backgrounds and the audio frequency, the transcriber may need to play the audio more than twice to get the exact words.

The world is inclined towards digitalization where every task is done by computers. This has posed a threat to human labor. But for quality transcription, the essence of skilled labor cannot be overlooked. Computer applications such as word processors only facilitate the entire transcription process. Experts go beyond a mere transcription to handling complex issues raised by their customers. This, therefore, shows that computers cannot solve all problems in regards transcription.

Several transcription clients have decried mediocrity by rogue transcribers disguised as experienced transcribers with hands-on skills on transcription. Expert transcriptions have, therefore, set the standards to accuracy, time stamps, speed, and timeliness. These minimum thresholds are key towards meeting clients concerns. When these issues are ironed clients become contented and refer their colleagues to some expert outlets.

Several people tend to think that transcription is a subset of typing which only needs the knowledge of how to use the keyboard. This is not the case as transcription entails several aspects which qualifies it as a professional area. Various standards lay down factors that make up a transcription. It hints that typing, audio recognition and accuracy form the basis of this process. Unless the dos and do nots for great transcription are observed quality will be sabotaged.

The high demand for adept transcriber has turned transcription into a highly coveted career. It has beckoned several people who have ventured in order to make ends meet. This demand has fuelled the associated rates. These rates range between $ 0.8 - 1.25 for every audio minute. Some clients can surpass these standardized rates for quite appealing work.

Every professional engagement promise commitment and confidentiality. This ensures that client information is highly classified. It is only concealed with the sound consent of the client. This is also a critical aspect in expert transcription. Commitment ensures that clients work is completed within the agreed timeline while giving them the best experience.

The first impression goes a long way in building a long lasting trust and confidence and the contrary is true. It is paramount that transcribers deliver the best quality beyond the expectations of clients all the time to boost their confidence in them. Expert transcription establishes the roadmap to winning the confidence of clients. It posits that products and services are well tailored to meet the unique needs of each client thus satisfying them.

Fluency is a central element in achieving a great readership with any piece of art. It can only be ignored at the expense of switching off the interest of the readers. In transcription, this aspect is achieved by paying attention to time intervals. This captures the breaks and makes the transcript follow a natural flow of a conversation. It is therefore important that this aspect is recognized when transcribing.

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