Care For Septic Systems Queensland

By Ruthie Calderon

Water is the most used commodity by human beings. Measures have been put up to conserve its sources to ensure that it will always be available. Many have also invested on ways treating and purifying waste water. It is later used for other purposes such as irrigation. Septic tanks are among the items used to carry out this practice. There are maintenance tips put up to ensure that septic systems Queensland are operating at their best.

The systems are put up in a way that they can only accommodate a specific set amount of water. Measures should be put up to ensure that no excess water is drained to them. Practical ways of achieving this is through saving on its usage. An example is by spacing laundry to avoid usage of a lot of water at a go.

The fixture put in use are also in a position to determine how effective the system should be. They should be letting out water in small amounts whenever in use. They should also be well fitted to avoid cases of water leaks which could amount to a lot of it draining to the tank. These fixtures include shower heads, taps and sinks.

To avoid any unwanted solid materials from entering the tanks, the inlets should be fitted with filters. They trap all the solid material that cannot pass through them. They are also used in ensuring that no grease finds its way into the tank. Accumulation of such substance in the septic system leads to clogging reducing its effectiveness.

Heavy things should never be placed on these tanks. Such include parking vehicles above them or placing any other heavy equipment on them. This is likely to cause cracks on the walls as a result of the force being exerted by the heavy loads. Pipes may also be damaged and end up breaking. In some cases, the top of the tank may collapse if the weight is so much for it to handle.

Non-biodegradable materials should be avoided at all cost. At no time are they allowed to reach the system. They cause clogging in the septic tank thus reducing its efficiency. They include plastic bags, cigarette filters, latex, and feminine hygiene products among others. They may also kill bacteria that help in breaking down the solids.

The septic tanks should not be used to serve the purposes of a waste disposal. If the waste is allowed to enter the tanks, it ends up blocking the pipes as a result of clogging. Some of the waste may also be toxic which may not be conducive for the bacteria found inside these tanks. If it is a must that the waste be disposed in them, the tank should be pumped out regularly to remove them.

Maintenance should be carried out on the tank regularly and areas around it. Trees growing in these areas must be cut down. This is to avoid cases where there roots end up reaching the tank and cracking the walls. They can as well mess either with the pipes connected to it.

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