The Role Of Visible Emissions Certification Programs

By Molly Morse

The major cause of atmospheric pollution is the smoke being emitted to the atmosphere. This smoke has led to emergence of acidic rain when it reacts with the atmospheric air. This may lead to complications in the breathing systems and may cause death of the affected individual. Having these in mind most countries have adopted measures to protect the atmosphere from pollution. And one of the most appropriate measures developed is the introduction of the visible emissions certification programs.

The programs involves training services being offered tom students who later become experts in the field of opacity testing to reduce the overall impact of the visible emission into the atmosphere. The training involves different opacity and smoke test experiments being carried out.

The programs are usually offered in a more secluded sites referred to as the learning institutions. The main programs are therefore designed in such a manner that will equip the trainees with knowledge of testing the smoke opacity and emission. This however is in compliance with the provisions of the EPA method 9. That is the Environmental Protection Agency rules and regulations.

The eradication of environment has a negative impact in the growth of the economy. There are some economies that depend solely on the agricultural products. The products from the agricultural sector acts as the raw materials in the industries hence growing the economy.

These experts are however few in number because the program is a new program introduced recently. Many people have not expressed interest in studying the smoke behavior. It is therefore difficult to get even one profession and since the companies require continuous operation, some of them have opted to offer their own training in accordance to the standards of this law.

Apart from the EPA method 9 which is being offered in most of the opacity schools, other programs include the EPA Method 22, EPA Visible Emissions, the dirt and dust testing. There are other programs like the air pollution and the compliance procedure.

There are two types of learning options that are used to provide the training. This includes the part time option where the training only takes place at stipulated time when the learner is available. It is usually offered in the morning hours, evening hours or the weekend. The program is designed to cater for the interest of trainees who may be in need of the skills but cannot be available at all times for the training.

The certification not only involve giving certificates to those who have undergone through the training, but it is done to the companies who have complied with the laws that regulate the smoke emission. For a company to function effectively it must comply with the rule so as to be given the certificate to allow it continue with the activities.

The visible emissions certification programs have created awareness on the part of those industries that engage in the emission of smoke. This has assisted in reducing the overall effect of the fumes in the atmosphere. The programs have again led to the establishment of the different schools that offer the same type of training.

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