The Role Of Containment Berms In Limiting The Damage Caused By Spills

By Nora Jennings

It is sobering to learn just how much harmful chemicals and toxins are manufactured, transported, used and spilled every year. Deadly chemicals are transported every day by sea, road and rail and it is an unfortunate fact that accidents will happen. Few things can be as devastating to the environment as a chemical spill. If an accident does happen, the first priority is to use equipment such as containment berms to make sure that the spill is localized as much as possible.

Preventing the spread of pollution is just the first step in dealing with the disaster. The harmful substances must be made safe, those vulnerable to the pollution must be evacuated and eventually the toxins must be moved to a facility where it is safe to dispose of it. This process is complicated and each separate incident will dictate the actions required and the urgency with which action needs to be taken.

Thankfully, many advances have been made in the field of preventing and cleaning up pollution. A number of artificial agents have proven to be very effective in absorbing chemicals. Once absorbed, the chemical mass can be transported safely. Other agents are able to speed up the natural bio degrading process, but this will only work if the chemical is prone to degrading in the first instance.

In recent times, another new agent has caused much excitement in environmental circles. This agent also absorbs spilled chemicals, but once the toxins are absorbed a new agent that is safe is created. This new mass is used in the manufacture of several rubber and road construction products and materials. This is seen as a revolutionary step forward, because the cost of cleaning spills can be lowered.

When spills take place in water, it is often not practical to use special agents to absorb the spill. Many chemicals and toxins cannot be absorbed. In such instances special equipment is used to agitate the water in order to separate the chemicals from the water. The chemicals are then pumped onto large containers for safe disposal elsewhere.

Environmentalists may find it unpalatable but it is a fact that it is simply not possible to clean up all spills. The cost of such operations is prohibitive and there is a chronic shortage of people that are trained to deal with this type of disaster. Authorities therefore routinely ignore spills in remote areas and some coastal areas. Priority is given to densely populated and environmentally sensitive areas.

It is true that there are numerous regulations and laws that force companies dealing with harmful chemicals to take precautions and to prevent spills. Adherence to these regulations is poorly policed, however. Companies in this field should accept their responsibilities and they should promulgate proactive policies that will help prevent accidents. This means training staff on a continuous basis and making sure that adequate equipment is available at all times.

There is a myriad of products in everyday use that contain potentially harmful chemicals. Those handling and manufacturing these substances simply have to remain aware of the danger and they should do everything possible to prevent accidents. If it happens, however, every effort should be made to make sure that the absolute minimum harm is caused to the environment.

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