Reducing Tax Bills By Going Green

By Aaleyah William

Using green energy is a simple and affordable way to help your environment while lowering your bills. There are many easy tips within this article, which will help you to get started without having to spend an arm and a leg. Read on to learn what you need to begin.

If you are replacing light bulbs in your house, make sure that you replace them with compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). These bulbs use a fraction of the electricity that traditional incandescent bulbs use, and they emit just as much light. They cost just about as much as traditional bulbs, but will usually last many times longer.

Put the wind to work for you. There are a variety of wind turbines that you can use to power your home. They are expensive, but are becoming more affordable for consumers. You must be sure that your area is zoned for wind turbines before you make an investment. You must also own at least one acre of land and live in an area that has a steady breeze.

Take your own bags to the supermarket to bag your groceries. You can use plastic or paper bags you have gotten on previous trips to the store or purchase cloth bags for this purpose. Some stores even offer discounts to customers who bring their own bags, so you can save money as well as the environment.

Plant trees around your home. The trees will help provide shading for you home and therefore will help keep your home cooler in the hot summer months. It will not require as much air conditioning to keep it at your desired temperature. Since trees lose leaves in the winter, they will still allow the sun to come in and help heat your home during the winter months.

Air leaks from under the door, especially during winter, can really make energy costs rise. Try installing a simple door sweep to seal that gap between the bottom of the door and its threshold to keep cold air from entering and warm air from leaving. This can make your home more comfortable and help you save on energy costs.

Think about going green in terms of energy use in small steps, especially if your home cannot accommodate the solar panels or wind turbines necessary for a major infusion of green energy. Things like laptops, cell phones, iPods and other small gadgets can easily be powered up with smaller solar cells.

It is easy to live green,and still enjoy technology just by making small changes. Make your laptop more energy efficient simply by changing your wall paper. Using a dark or black wall paper, and screen saver uses less energy. This small amount of energy saved will add up over time, especially if you have more than one computer in the home.

If switching your home to solar power is beyond your financial capabilities, try switching just one room, like a bedroom, to solar power. There are solar kits available online that can help you green a room, and this will positively affect your energy bills and carbon footprint for years to come.

As you can see, there are many different types of "green energy" technologies. Because there are so many options, there is bound to be a way to put "green energy" to work for you, while doing your part for the future of the planet. Use the information that you've learned in this article, in order to make an informed choice for your personal energy needs.

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